personal development

What Should Learning Leaders Prioritise in 2021?

What Should Learning Leaders Prioritise in 2021?

The new year signals an opportunity to have those meaningful conversations. As we continue to adapt to a remote-first work setup, how do we make sure our people are equipped to balance productivity with their personal wellbeing?

How do we ensure that 2021 is a year we look back on as one of focused growth and development instead of a chaotic, stress-inducing mess?

How Do You Assess a Workplace Conflict?

How Do You Assess a Workplace Conflict?

While a collaborative approach to conflict is the most time, labor, and emotionally-intensive approach, it strengthens interpersonal relationships within a team by laying down a foundation of trust and empathy, making it easier to solve problems in the future.

Team Exercise to Discuss Conflict in the Workplace

Team Exercise to Discuss Conflict in the Workplace

Try this Oak and Reeds exercise for two to four people to have an in-depth discussion about conflict, discover which conflict modes participants are most comfortable with, and exploring which modes are appropriate for every conflcit.

How Do You Handle Remote Work Conflict?

How Do You Handle Remote Work Conflict?

Conflict occurs when people perceive that their goals, interests, needs, or values are threatened. Conflicts at work are a necessary and normal part of doing business.